124th Session Covering Calendar Year 2022
2021-2022 Biennium
Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for August 8, 2022

☐ Ken Rivers, District 1, Absent
☐ Robert Henderson, District 2
☐ Joe Brown, District 3
☐ Keith Douglas, District 4
☐ Russ Crumbley, District 5

☐ Brad Johnson, County Manager
☐ Michael Brewer, Deputy County Manager
☐ Rhonda Blissit, Chief Financial Officer

Section 1: Opening of Workshop

The workshop opened at 5:30 PM, with Chairman Joe Brown presiding. Six items were discussed, which included 1). A revision to the County Timber Ordinance, 2). Purchase of a Netclock for E-911, 3). A proposal to study and revise impact fees, 4). A discussion of a contract for a new Medical Director for EMS, and 5). A postponement of final zoning action on a rezoning of property at Bucksnort Road and Highway 36. An additional item was added to the workshop which included a discussion of taking responsibility for landscaping at a new roundabout to be located at England Chapel Road and High Falls Road.

Section 2: Session Preliminaries
Chairman Brown called the session to order at 6:00 PM

Item 2022-08-138 Adoption of the Docket
Mr. Douglas moved to approve the docket with one item added, seconded by Mr. Henderson with unanimous consent.

Item 2022-08-139 Approval of July Minutes
Mr. Douglas moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Henderson with unanimous consent.

Section 3: Old Business
Item 2022-05-095 Rezoning of 98+ Acres at Bucksnort Road and Highway 36
This item, previously postponed, was postponed again until the September 26th meeting upon a motion by Mr. Crumbley and seconded by Mr. Douglas with unanimous consent.

Section 4: New Business
Consent Agenda
Item 2022-08-140 Approval of Consent Agenda
Mr. Douglas motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Mr. Henderson with unanimous consent. All approved Resolutions (CR202239, CR202240, CR202241, CR202242, CR202243 (additional maintenance on England Chapel Road) and the additional CR202246 covering the purchase of three Ford Explorers shall be made a part of the Book of Resolutions, Volume 1, as reflected in the minutes.

Item 2022-08-141 Monthly Reports
Ms. Blissit gave the Financial Report and noted that with 8% of the budget year complete, the County had received and expended 7% of the annual budget. Mr. Brewer presented the monthly operations report, noting that activities were fluctuating in some areas of public safety but not attributable to anything in particular. Mr. Johnson gave an update on the state of LOST negotiations with the Cities, particularly the City of Jackson. He also discussed that the County was looking at increasing the use of technology to reduce the use of paper and that the audit is underway for the year.

Concluding Business
Item 2022-08-142 Adjournment

Without further business, Mr. Douglas moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Crumbley with unanimous consent. The meeting adjourned at 6:16 PM.

Ratified this 12th Day of September, 2022

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners
Joe Brown, Chairman, Presiding


I do hereby attest by my signature and seal below that the aforementioned minutes of the Butts County Board of Commissioners are an accurate representation of the official actions undertaken by the Board during the open meeting designated for the date and times stated herein.

J. Michael Brewer, Deputy County Manager
Attesting as Clerk of the 124th Session