Pumper Truck Equipment for Fire Department
Bid Number: #24-04

Butts County Board of Commissioners
625 West Third Street, Suite 4
Jackson, Georgia 30233

Bid Number: #24-04



Butts County Board of Commissioners is soliciting competitive sealed bids from interested and qualified companies to provide equipment for a 2022 Freightliner M2-106 Fouts Bros Crew Pumper for Butts County Fire Department. This bid award may be awarded to a single source or multiple vendors. This decision will be made at the discretion of the selection committee.

Bids should be typed or submitted in ink and returned in a sealed envelope marked on the outside with Bid #24-04 and Company Name. Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on October 7th, 2024, at the Butts County Administration Office – Purchasing – Suite 4, 625 West Third Street, Jackson, Georgia 30233. Any bid received after this date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 2:00 P.M on October 7th, 2024.

Questions regarding bids should be directed to Brianna Joyner Purchasing & Procurement Coordinator, at bjoyner@buttscounty.org no later than 12:00PM on September 30th, 2024.  Any possible exceptions to the bid specifications and/or terms and conditions should be addressed during this phase. These requests will be answered in an addendum if such information is necessary so that all potential bidders will have the information. Deadline for first addendum, if required, posted on the Butts County website: https://buttscountyga.com/requests-for-bids-proposals-or-qualifications at 2:00PM on October 2nd, 2024, The posting of additional addenda may be required, and it is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that they review the County’s website for any additional addenda, and that they submit acknowledgement of all applicable addenda (on the included form) with their solicitation. Bidders should not expect to be individually notified by Butts County.

Bids are legal and binding upon the bidder when submitted. All bids should be submitted in duplicate. Successful contractor will be required to meet insurance requirements.

The written bid documents supersede any verbal or written prior communications between the parties. Award will be made to the contractor submitting the lowest responsive and responsible bid. Butts County reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive technicalities and to make an award deemed in its best interest. Bids may be split or awarded in entirety. Butts County reserves the option to negotiate terms, conditions, and pricing with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) at its discretion.

Thank you for your interest in Butts County!

****See Bid Documents Below***