Joe Brown, District 3
Russ Crumbley, District 5
Keith Douglas, District 4
Robert Henderson, District 2
Ken Rivers, District 1

Michael Brewer, Government Relations Director
Chiquita Barkley, Controller
Keith Moffett, County Administrator
Michael O’Quinn, County Attorney

Prior to the start of the August 14, 2017 meeting, a workshop was held beginning at 5:30 PM for the board to hear a presentation by Mark Torre of Enterprise Fleet Leasing on a proposal for the County to enter into a program whereby they would lease future county vehicles with the ultimate goal of replacing the entire fleet of vehicles within a five year period.

Following the workshop, Chairman Robert Henderson called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 PM and welcomed all present. He then asked Commissioner Rivers to give the invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance.

Item 2017-08-130: Approval of Docket
Upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers, seconded by Commissioner Douglas, the docket was approved with unanimous consent and no additions or changes.

Item 2017-08-131: Approval of the July Minutes
Upon a motion by Commissioner Douglas, seconded by Commissioner Brown, the minutes were approved with unanimous consent.

Item 2017-08-132: Approval of Addendum to the June 12, 2017
Upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers, seconded by Commissioner Douglas, the board voted to amend the previously adopted minutes of the Board of Commissioners meeting dated June 12, 2017. Commissioner Crumbley abstained due to conflict of interest. County Attorney Mike O’Quinn read the following text in its entirety, which was approved and adopted by the board:

WHEREAS, the Butts County Board of Commissioners conducted its regular council meeting on June 12, 2017, taking several actions in due course; and

WHEREAS, the Butts County Board of Commissioners adopted and approved minutes of said June 12, 2017 regular meeting on July 10, 2017; and

WHEREAS, those adopted minutes reference a court reporter transcript for full language on two of the votes taken;

WHEREAS, it would be preferable that the minutes actually state the vote taken, as opposed to simply referencing the attached transcript;

NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY MOTIONED that the previously adopted minutes of June 12, 2017, be amended as follows:

1. Regarding Item 2017-06-085, the minutes shall be stated as follows:

Item 2017-06-085: Public Hearing: Case # 06(03)-2017 William B. Jones of Jackson, GA is requesting a Text Amendment to Section 4.02.06(A) of the Butts County UDO to strike/remove “Truck Stops” from the list of prohibited use restrictions within the I-75 Corridor Overlay District. Mr. O’Quinn opened the public hearing. The following individuals spoke in favor of the text amendment: Applicant Bill Jones and David Massey. The following individuals spoke against the text amendment: Scott Peters and Amy Fletcher. Mr. O’Quinn closed the public meeting. Commissioner Rivers made a motion that the written text amendment under consideration be adopted but be limited to the west side of I-75, such that Section 4.02.06 of the Unified Development Ordinance, pertaining to Regulation of uses in the I-75 Overlay District, be amended so that item 26 of paragraph (A) be restated to add the italicized language, as follows:

26. Truck stops; except that a facility with no more than 30% of the developed area being committed to the fueling of commercial trucks with diesel fuel will be permitted in the overlay district, on the west side of I-75 only, when it is within a mixed use development (P-M zoning district) of 20 acres or more.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Douglas, and was adopted 4-0-1, with Commissioner Crumbley abstaining. The full text of the executed amending ordinance is attached hereto.

2. Regarding Item 2017-06-086, the minutes shall be stated as follows:

Item 2017-06-086: Public Hearing: Public Hearing: Case # 06(04)-2017 William B. Jones of Jackson, GA is requesting a rezoning from C-2 – Commercial – General/Highway to PM – Planned Development-Mixed Use for property located at 2781 Highway 16 West/I-75 & Highway 16 West. Mr. O’Quinn opened the public hearing. The following individuals spoke in favor of the text amendment: Applicant Bill Jones, David Massey and Mayor Kay Pippin of Jackson. The following individuals spoke against the text amendment: Scott Peters. Mr. O’Quinn closed the public meeting. Commissioner Rivers made a motion to approve the request for rezoning with a 60-month period to complete the entire project, with the condition that the failure to do so would result in the maximum fine per day under the zoning ordinance. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion, and it was approved 4-0-1, with Commissioner Crumbley abstaining.

Following the approval of the above language, the board then resolved by vote to add said language as an amendment to the June 12th, 2017 minutes upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers, seconded by Commissioner Douglas, which passed 4-0-1 with Commissioner Crumbley abstaining due to conflict of interest.

Item 2017-08-133: Presentation by the Butts County Senior Citizens Center
A line dancing performance was presented by the above to the Board of Commissioners to highlight the dance programs being offered to seniors who utilize the Senior Citizens Center.

2017-08-134: Consent Agenda
The only item on the consent agenda was for the purchase of the equipment package for the new fire engine that was recently purchased through SPLOST for Station 7. This purchase of $57,849.00 will fully equip the new engine and will be paid for from the 2013 SPLOST.

2017-08-135: Approval of Intergovernmental Agreements for SPLOST 7
Mr. O’Quinn presented the Board with the agreed upon Intergovernmental Agreement between the County, the Cities and the Water Authority for the distribution of anticipated SPLOST proceeds from the next SPLOST that is to be brought before the voters in November. The document is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Commissioner Rivers made a motion to approve the IGA and authorize the Chairman to sign all documents, seconded by Commissioner Crumbley with unanimous consent.

2017-08-136: Issuance of Call for a Special Election for SPLOST
Upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers and seconded by Commissioner Douglas, the board voted to issue a call for an election, to be held on November 7, 2017 for the purposes of approving the continuation of the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. The documents pertaining to this call are attached to and made a part of these minutes. The motion passed with unanimous consent.

2017-08-137: Annual Sponsorship for the Ernest Biles Memorial Golf Tournament
Upon a motion by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Rivers, the board voted with unanimous consent to purchase a sponsorship at the silver level, with the condition that the silver level package would make certain substitutions on hole sponsorships and players.

2017-08-138: Executive Session
Upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers and seconded by Commissioner Douglas, the Board voted unanimously to enter into an executive session for the purposes of discussing real estate, potential litigation and a personnel matter. The board later returned upon a motion by Commissioner Douglas, seconded by Commissioner Rivers with unanimous consent.

2017-08-139: Attorney Summary
Mr. O’Quinn stated that the Board discussed a legal matter, a potential real estate matter and an employee under the direction of the Board.

2017-08-140: Public Comment
There was no public comment.

2017-08-141: Adjournment of Meeting
Upon a motion by Commissioner Crumbley and seconded by Commissioner Douglas, the board voted unanimously to adjourn the August meeting.

Ratified this 14th day of September, 2017