OCTOBER 9, 2017

Joe Brown, District 3, Vice Chairman
Russ Crumbley, District 5
Robert Henderson, District 2, Chairman
Ken Rivers, District 1

Steve Layson, Interim County Administrator
Chiquita Barkley, Controller & County Clerk
Michael Brewer, Government Relations Director
Mike O’Quinn, County Attorney


Chairman Robert Henderson called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM and welcomed all present. He noted that Commissioner Brown would be delayed and that Commissioner Douglas would be unable to attend. He then imposed a recess to await Commissioner Brown’s arrival. At 3:15 PM he ended the recess and asked Commissioner Rivers to give the invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance.

Item 2017-10-171: Executive Session to discuss potential litigation matter
Upon a motion by Commissioner Rivers, seconded by Commissioner Crumbley, the board voted to go into Executive Session to discuss a matter of potential litigation. Following the Executive Session, the board reconvened upon a motion by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Crumbley. Commissioner Rivers then made a motion to authorize the Chairman and the County Clerk to execute all documents, intergovernmental agreements and related materials concerning the 2017 Service Delivery Strategy with all local government entities, subject to the oversight and concurrence of the County Attorney. This was seconded by Commissioner Crumbley and approved 3-0-1 with Chairman Henderson abstaining due to a conflict of interest. This vote revokes and overturns the previous vote taken on October 2, 2017 with regards to Old Business Item 2017-09-154, which had previously called for an extension.

Item 2017-10-172: Adjournment Motion
Upon a motion by Commissioner Brown and seconded by Commissioner Rivers, the board adjourned the meeting with unanimous consent.