Deputy County Manager

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J. Michael Brewer

625 West 3rd Street
Jackson, Georgia 3023

Office 770-775-8200

Office Hours M-F, 7:30 AM-4:30 PM
*except on approved holidays

J. Michael Brewer serves as the Deputy County Manager of Butts County, a position he first served from 2007-2012 and then again from 2019 to present. He has been employed with Butts County since 1986 and worked for 16 years in Public Safety from 1986-2002, after which he transitioned into the Administration Department of the Board of Commissioners where he has worked for the past 23 years. As Deputy County Manager, he serves directly under the County Manager and oversees several areas of county operations including Policy, Risk Management, Plant Operations, Property and Liability, Facilities and Fleet Operations. He has also served as Acting County Clerk since 2017, performing specific duties of that office.

A lifelong native of Butts County with multigenerational roots, Mr. Brewer enjoys exploring local history and working in the community. He is particularly interested in healthcare, education and sound governance. He also enjoys marketing Butts County and created the “Georgia’s Outdoor Capital” as a marketing campaign for the County, which became the County government’s slogan in 2015.

He resides in Jackson with his wife and son. His detailed biography can be found below.

  • Fulfilling the functions of the County Manager in their absence.
  • Facilitating and executing strategic external partnerships at the local, regional, state and federal levels.
  • Serving as the County Legislative Director, working with our Legislative Delegation on issues and maintaining high levels of legislative tracking that allows the County to foresee and respond to emerging issues that can potentially affect its operations.
  • Developing and helping to shape public policies that will create business and economic opportunities for the County, ensure quality governance and encourage public trust in their Government.
  • Oversees Risk Management and Coordination of Safety Team
  • Representing the County at official functions
  • Advocating for the County and its outreach to the public
  • Oversees Property and Liability
  • Oversees Facilities Management Team
  • Directing the process for appointments to Authorities, Boards and Committees.
  • Documenting and maintaining the records of actions undertaken by the Board of Commissioners, preparing the docket and organizing Commission meetings.
  • Coordinates Fleet Management
  • Maintaining the County’s reputation, brand, and image on the local, regional, and state level.

Additional Positions:

  • Deputy Emergency Management Director
  • Acting County Clerk

One of the functions of the Board of Commissioners Office is to receive certain requests for records under the Open Records laws of the State of Georgia.

Please note that requests for Open Records from the following agencies must be made through these agencies; the Board of Commissioners Office only handles requests for those departments that are under the direct control of the Board of Commissioners. Requests for records within agencies that we do not have jurisdiction over will be returned. For records pertaining to the following offices or agencies, please contact them directly.

  • Any Butts County Court Office (Clerk of Court, Juvenile, Magistrate, Probate, Superior)
  • Board of Equalization
  • Coroner’s Office
  • Elections Office
  • Library Board of Directors
  • Sheriff’s Office (Including Animal Control)
  • Tax Assessors
  • Tax Commissioner

Requestors may make request of such records that we are responsible for from the Administration Department during regular business hours of the County. The requests may be made in person, by US mail, or by telephone. If made by mail, it is recommended that this be sent via certified mail to ensure delivery and proper receipt. Butts County will not be responsible for Open Record Requests that we do not receive. To access a public record request form, please click HERE.

Please do not fax open records requests to the County. The fax machine is no longer monitored regularly and is generally shut down when not in use.

Mail completed forms to 625 W. Third Street, Suite 4, Jackson, GA 30233. We do not accept requests by fax or email.

The Open Records Act only requires the provision of records which actually exist and are on hand. Requests for records or documents in a particular format, layout or containing only specific criteria which that County has not actually created and has no reason to create for County purposes are not covered under the Act. This includes requesting information that would require our staff to research and create a new report.

Please contact the Procurement Officer, Tina Lunsford, in the Finance Division for assistance with sales or on becoming a vendor for Butts County. This is the only person in the Administration Department that is authorized to discuss procurement matters with vendors. There are stringent requirements for anyone that does business and who receives renumeration from the County government. The Procurement Officer may be reached by email at

J. Michael Brewer began his tenure with Butts County in August of 1986 and currently holds the position of Deputy County Manager. During nearly four decades with Butts County, he has been active in community affairs, civic, educational and public policy endeavors. In the course of his employment, he has held a variety of positions, some of which overlapped at times with other positions, including:

  • Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician (10 Years Total)
  • Deputy Director of E-911 Communications (2 Years Total)
  • Deputy Director of Emergency Management (1.5 Years Total)
  • Director of E-911 Communications (6 Years Total)
  • Director of Emergency Management (13 Years Total)
  • County Clerk (2 Years Total)
  • Human Resources Director (9 Years Total)
  • Director of Operations (1 Year)
  • Deputy County Manager (11 Years Total)
  • County Manager (4 Years Total)
  • Government Relations Director (4 Years Total; merged into current job)

His current and past involvement in the community includes:

  • Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (Public Safety Committee; Economic Development Committee; Policy Committee)
  • Sylvan Grove Hospital Board of Directors since 2005, Chairman for 18 years.
  • Partners for Smart Growth Board of Directors, a local civic organization that supports smart, sustainable community growth (Past)
  • Chairman of the Butts County Tourism Board (Past)
  • Butts County Board of Health
  • Butts County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors (Past)

Mr. Brewer is a past President of the Butts County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, and served over a decade on its Board of Directors. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Southern Crescent Technical College Board of Directors, having served as a Member for nine years, the final five of which were served as Chairman. He additionally has served as President of the Jackson-Butts County Rotary Club; Secretary of the McIntosh Trail Early Childhood Development Council Board of Directors; 1997 President of the Georgia Association of Terminal Agency Coordinators; 2001 Capital Campaign Chairman for United Way of Butts County; Board Member for Leadership Butts County; Past Chairman of the Butts County E-911 Advisory Board; Board Member of the Technical College Director’s Association of Georgia; and Trustee of the Piedmont Academy Board of Trustees.

Mr. Brewer’s various contributions to his profession and community have been acknowledged through several major awards, including:

  • The Governor’s Public Safety Award for Outstanding Contributions to Public Safety
  • The Daughters of the American Revolution’s Excellence in Community Service Award
  • The Butts County Chamber of Commerce Shining Light Award
  • The Butts County Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Award (2007 & 2011)
  • The Southern Crescent Technical College President’s Award of Excellence
  • The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation’s “Excellence in Rehabilitation” Award.

Mr. Brewer is a graduate of Leadership Butts County, the North Georgia Conference Leadership UMC program, the Georgia Academy for Economic Development and the Regional Leadership Institute, as well as the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute, where he holds certificates in Governmental Accounting, Supervision, the Certified County Official certificate and the Management Development Program (MDP) diploma. He is a 2006 graduate of Emory University’s Candler School of Theology Methodist Theological Studies Program, holding two diplomas from the university. During his tenure with Butts County he has also earned numerous certifications in public safety, public policy, government and education. These include certifications as a P.O.S.T. Instructor with basic and advanced certificates, as well as the NFPQ Fire Instructor I, II, & III certificates; Georgia Certified First Class Firefighter; P.O.S.T. Communications Officer; and Emergency Program Manager.

He has been actively involved with the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia for many years, having served on several committees including  the Policy Committee design team that developed the curriculums currently used to certify local government officials and commissioners, with a particular focus on the design of the Commissioner’s Ethics program of instruction. He enjoys writing and has contributed a number of articles and writings that have been published in various newspapers, tourism blogs and magazines, as well as been a guest speaker at writer’s symposiums in Georgia. He resides near Jackson, Georgia with his wife and they have one son in his third year of college.