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625 West 3rd Street
Jackson, Georgia 30233
Office 770-775-8200
Office Hours M-F, 8AM-5PM
*except on approved holidays
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The Finance Department provides fiscal management of County activities in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and generally accepted accounting practices. The Finance Department is responsible for managing the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Internal Service Funds, and Capital Project Funds totaling millions of dollars, as well as intergovernmental component unit accounting and reporting. It is also responsible for maintaining and reporting accurate financial information and ensuring compliance with County policies and internal controls. The integrity of the County’s financial reporting is assured through a system of internal controls, internal audits, and an annual audit by an independent certified public accounting firm, Mauldin & Jenkins.
The department provides guidance and service to all other County departments, as well as Courts, Constitutional Offices and Elected Officials. In addition, the office oversees purchasing, internal auditing, budgeting, payables and receivables functions, while maintaining assets and planning for future needs of the County.
To serve Butts County by providing management, staff and citizens with accurate and timely financial information and direction, committing to the highest ethical standards and professional behavior.
This department functions as a component of the Administration Department and is under the leadership of the Chief Financial Officer.
The Chief Financial Officer is Rhonda Blissit, CPA who oversees all of the financial functions of the County and the staff of the Finance Division. She prepares annually a balanced budget for presentation to the Board of Commissioners, as well as coordinates the annual audit.
The Staff Accountant, Ella Grantling, maintains and controls the General Ledger accounts and business transactions of the organization, performs the processing and recording of accounts payable and receivable transactions, performs general accounts analysis and reconciliations, including assisting the CFO with the day-to-day, monthly and year-end financial operations of the County.
The Procurement Officer is Tina Lunsford, who oversees all processes associated with purchasing, procurement, vendors, purchasing compliance, bids, requests for proposals, ordering and inventory. All vendor and sales inquiries should be addressed to the Procurement Officer at