Contact Us

Lieutenant Crystal Williams
Animal Control Manager
158 Bibb Station Road
Jackson, Georgia 30233
Office 770-775-8011
Office Hours M-F, 8AM-5PM
*except on approved holidays
If you don’t get an answer, please leave a message! Our attendants are sometimes away from the telephone caring for the needs of our shelter guests or assisting citizens visiting the shelter. Your call will be returned.
Butts County Animal Control is directly concerned with removing stray, uncared for animals from the community, seeing that they are properly sheltered and cared for and to assist with helping current strays to become future pets. This page is is intended to provide citizens with information about our shelter as well as a number of resources that can be accessed to get more information about dogs and cats in need of a home.
Animal Control is a division of the Butts County Sheriff’s Office. For concerns that cannot be addressed by shelter personnel, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at 770-775-8216.
For general information, questions or other inquiries, please feel free to email us at
Our mission is to help every animal that comes into our shelter find a home and a new family. Numerous studies show that pets can be a very positive force in a person’s life, providing love, companionship and even security. Children can learn responsibility in caring for a pet while gaining a longtime playmate who gives back much more than the costs of pet ownership.
Major Functions of Animal Control
- Removing stray and uncared for animals from the community
- Sheltering and caring for animals
- Helping to find homes for animals whenever possible
- Responding to Citizen calls for service
- Educating the community about the responsibilities of pet ownership and care
Numerous groups and organizations have committed to help our shelter find families for animals. Some specialize in dogs, some in cats and some for all animals. The following is a list of organizations and their websites that we work with and that can also help you find that perfect companion, get assistance with spaying and neutering and other services. We will add new links as they become available to expand the information available to you.
Adopt a Pet
Butts County Animal Control Volunteers on Facebook
ButtsMutts on Facebook
Help Spay and Neuter Clinic
My Budget Vet
Klassy Kats of Butts County
Oftentimes, the needs of an Animal Shelter surpasses the resources available. Donations are always welcome and 100% of everything donated goes to help care for the animals we shelter, including but not limited to food, veterinary attention and sheltering. We will always welcome the following:
- Blankets
- Collars
- Financial Contributions*
- Grooming Aids
- Leashes
- Pet Food
- Pet Supplies
- Pet Treats
- Pet Toys
- Tax Deductible Contributions
- Towels
- YOUR TIME-Find out how you can volunteer to help by giving us a call!
*Checks should be made out to “Butts County” and in the “For” area, write “Animal Shelter Donation”