You can protect the outcome and investment value of your construction project and guard against a lawsuit, injury or a fiasco by obtaining building permits. Building permits are designed to yield valuable benefits and levels of successes for you, your community and your project.
Your home or business is an investment. If your construction project does not comply with the codes adopted by your community, the value of your investment could be reduced. Property insurers may not cover work done without permits and inspections. If you decide to sell a home or building that has had modifications without a permit, you may be required to tear down the addition, leave it unoccupied or make costly repairs.
Types of Permits
Building Permit Process
1. Visit “Inspection & Permitting” Office
The “Inspection & Permitting” office is located at 625 West Third Street, Jackson, GA 30233. Department personnel are trained and experienced to answer questions and supply valuable information needed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Upon completion of this step, the appropriate permit application(s) can be distributed.
2. Schedule Pre-Development Meeting
Please contact Channing Cawthon for scheduling.
Plan Review Process will be discussed during ‘Pre-Development Meeting’.
Upon completion of the pre-mentioned steps a permit can be issued. Prior to issuance of the permit, Department personnel will discuss and inform the applicant of the steps and requirements associated wit the inspection phase of the project.
On-site inspections will be conducted to ensure that the work approved by the permit conforms to federal, State and local codes. Department personnel will supply information as to how many inspections will be required to achieve a successful completion of your project. Individuals who request this service are urged to contact the “Inspection & Permitting”, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the inspection being performed. From time to time the need to have a job reinspected occurs. Department personnel will supply their findings and instructions to achieve compliance and as well as discussing as to whether or not any additional fees will be applied.
Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is available upon request and ONLY after final inspection has received a passing result.
To request the CO, you have 2 options: 1. Submit request through the Customer Portal OR 2. Contact Channing Cawthon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Building Permit?
A building permit gives you legal permission to start construction of a building project, erect, enlarge, alter, remove, demolish, or repair a building in accordance with approved drawings and specifications.
When Do You Need a Permit?
A building permit is required to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure, or make any installation, alteration, or improvement to an electrical, plumbing, or mechanical system. The best way to find out if you need a permit is to call our “Inspection & Permitting” unit. Interested parties are urged to discuss their plans with Department personnel before beginning construction to determine whether a permit is required. Even if a permit is not needed, Department personnel will answer construction questions and will provide valuable advice.
How Do I Apply For A Building Permit?
You will need to complete and submit a Building Permit application, pay appropriate permit fees, and any other applicable fees and when required, submit signed and stamped building plan sets a more detailed listing of required documents appears within this document.
How Much Does A Building Permit Cost?
There is no single fee for permits. Fees are based on the imposition of an administrative fee, the monetary valuation of the project and the number of plumbing, mechanical and electrical units and systems. The permit fees will be collected at the time the permits are issued. Permits may be paid for by cash or check during business hours.
Permits Are Not Required for the Following...
- Cosmetic clean-up work
- Cosmetic painting, wall, floor, interior and exterior repairs
- Fences not over 6 feet high
- Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall
Do Permits Expire?
Permits expire after six (6) months if no inspections have been made and if inactivity exists within this time period.
What if You Do Not Get a Permit?
If a permit is required and not obtained prior to the start of construction, you have violated County codes and regulations and are subject to fines and penalties.
How Long Will It Take For The Permit To Be Processed?
The amount of time needed to process each permit can range from a few days to a few weeks. Please be as detailed as possible on the permit application to speed the process along. Some events will require meetings before the permit can be approved.